北京欢喜网络科技有限公司的面试是否需要英语 (北京欢喜网络科技招聘)

文章编号:16305 更新时间:2024-06-06 分类:互联网资讯 阅读次数:



According to the recruitment information of Beijing Huanxi Network Technology Co., Ltd., interviewees are required to communicate with interviewers in English throughout the interview process. Beijing Huanxi Network Technology Co., Ltd. is a top social competitive gaming company in North America, with its headquarters located in the San Francisco Bay Area of the United States, and its R&D centers situated in Beijing and Guangzhou. Its main businesses include technical services, technical development, technical consultation, technical promotion, technology transfer, software development, basic software services, and application software services. Is it profitable to promote credit card sales? How is the commission calculated? The promotion of credit card sales may not be easy, as the commission is based on the number of cards issued. After the Spring Festival, recruitment and job hunting peak, a journalist from the "Securities Daily" searched for job positions through multiple online recruitment platforms. There are tens of thousands of job postings related to banks in Beijing alone, which is a common theme in many job postings. The journalist registered as a job seeker on some recruitment platforms and received a large number of interview invitations after selecting the job intention as a bank category, with credit card sales positions dominating the market.How much is the commission for credit card salespersons? The commission for credit card salespersons is related to the level of the card. If the person processing the application and the promoter are the same, the commission for a Gold card is generally around 70 yuan, and for a Platinum card, it is around 100 yuan. If the person processing the application and the promoter are different, the commission will be split between them in a 1:1 ratio, i.e., 35 yuan each or 50 yuan each. If it is an online application with offline activation, the commission for credit card salespersons is 20 yuan. The commission for credit card salespersons may vary among different banks, so it is subject to the sales assessment system of the bank.Additional information: How do credit card businesses make money? The profit of bank credit card businesses is derived from income minus corresponding costs. The income of credit card businesses mainly comes from interest income, installment fee income, merchant commissions, annual fees, and cash withdrawal fees, while the costs of credit cards mainly include issuance costs, capital costs, operational maintenance costs, marketing costs, and bad debt risk losses. For successful credit card applications handled by these salespersons, there is usually a commission. Typically, the commission for a regular credit card ranges from 80 to 100 RMB. For a Gold card, the commission will be higher, averaging around 150 RMB. Generally, the commission is variable because banks issue monthly card application targets. A skilled salesperson needs to process around 100 cards per month, earning a salary of at least over 10,000 RMB, with some able to earn two to three times more, depending on their efforts. Whether one can receive such high commissions also depends on their individual business capabilities and methods. Many people cannot persist in this job, often failing to meet their targets every month and being fined. When combined with social insurance benefits, the take-home pay may not be much. Currently, the credit card industry has passed its peak period of growth, making it increasingly difficult to stand out in this field. Life is not easy, so cherish it while you can.In fact, these bank credit card department staff only hold ordinary certificates issued by the bank for their work. They differ from cashiers and branch managers with formal employment contracts. Cashiers under formal contracts and salespersons who have signed agency contracts with the bank only receive commissions for selling credit cards issued by the bank. They can recruit these pharmaceuticals because the treatment is still good. In addition to basic salaries, five risks and one payment are paid normally. Of course, internal employees can also sell credit cards to earn additional income.Is it easy to promote credit cards for Everbright Bank? It"s not easy to promote credit cards for Everbright Bank because the prospects are not good, as many friends in the credit card industry have experienced. Everbright Bank is struggling, so many people cannot activate their cards after receiving them, wasting everyone"s time.Three suggestions for future development: 1. Credit Card Supervisor. If you still love the credit card industry, consider advancing to a supervisor position. The benefit of being a supervisor is that you no longer have to run business operations and can oversee the team from headquarters. I have seen a powerful girl who has been working for Guangfa after graduation. She was promoted to team leader within a year. She obtained a POS machine distributorship, paid for university students to set up stalls, conducted ground promotions, and required subordinates to promote her card swiping machines. After a year, the team"s performance bonus combined with external income was quite substantial.2. Outsource your own channels. As everyone in the industry knows, the real money in credit cards comes from packaging and collecting fees, but these practices are not compliant. Is there a compliant and profitable way? Yes, if you have online marketing resources. If you have a stable traffic channel, you can directly negotiate cooperation with banks. As long as there is volume, the commission the bank gives you is much higher than that of salespersons. Everyone knows the success story of someone, who earns over 200,000 RMB a month from card applications. This involves online marketing, which will be discussed later.3. Credit and Insurance Sales. Relatively speaking, the technical content of these two areas is higher than credit card sales. The income issues of bank credit card salespersons.

标签: 北京欢喜网络科技有限公司的面试是否需要英语

本文地址: https://yihaiquanyi.com/article/ee98a35828ec5172c1b8.html

