探究浏览器:从历史发展到未来趋势 (浏览器科学)

文章编号:13828 更新时间:2024-05-05 分类:互联网资讯 阅读次数:




我们可以回顾一下浏览器的起源。1990年代初,世界上第一个广为人知的浏览器是Tim Berners-Lee创建的WorldWideWeb,随后NCSA Mosaic、Netscape Navigator等浏览器相继问世,逐步改变了人们接触互联网的方式。随着互联网的普及和发展,微软的Internet Explorer占据了主导地位,直到Mozilla Firefox、Google Chrome的崛起打破了这一垄断格局。










1991年,蒂姆·伯纳斯-李的创举开启了浏览器的时代,WorldWideWeb虽简朴,却揭开了万维网的大幕。1993年,NCSA Mosaic的出现,图形界面与鼠标操作的结合,使得浏览器从文字世界跃升至视觉盛宴。如今,诸如Chrome、Firefox、Google和Safari等浏览器百花齐放,引领着行业的潮流。






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The browsers history dates back to 1990, when the browser only shows plain text. In 1993, the national center for supercomputing applications at the university of Illinois has released the first support for graphics rendering browser, Mosaic, from then on, the Internet started the trend of the explosive growth, the birth of the Mosaic has paved the way for the graphical web design. Released in 1994, Netscape Navigator browser. The browser inherits the Mosaic pattern to build a business, or free products online, in order to establish extensive user base. The Navigator quickly replaced the Mosaic, the users preferred.



Released in 1994, Netscape Navigator browser. The browser inherits the Mosaic pattern to build a business, or free products online, in order to establish extensive user base. The Navigator quickly replaced the Mosaic, the users preferred.

On October 1, 2011 from network monitor comers latest statistics show that in September, Microsofts Internet explorer browsers overall market share continued to slide. IE market share fell from 55.31% to 54.39% since August, including Internet explorer 8 by 30.07% to 29.91%; IE7 fell to 6.29% from 6.05%. High-profile IE9 continue to grow, more and more people have to upgrade to the latest version of Internet explorer. Ended in late September, the Windows 7 operating system, Internet explorer 9 in the U.S. market share rose to 31%, the global scope, IE9 in Windows 7s market share to 22%.

Although the IE share still is bigger, but it also has become more and more strong opponents. It is understood that Microsofts Internet explorer had long occupy more than 90% of the browser market. Although now IE in the browser market is still the dominant, but is a phenomenon that nots allow to ignore, IE an are constantly being rewritten.

Now although IE occupied market still is bigger, but with the rise of various heroes of his market gradually began to shrink. IE in the market share from 67.53% to 53.68% this year.

In Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Opera browser (Firefox) competition, face the throne by erosion, Microsoft just with a new attitude to face the challenge of the major browsers, began to upgrade their browser products, has risen to IE9.

In domestic 360 browsers also on the rise, it is reported that 360 browser in the domestic market share of 44%, second only to Microsofts Internet explorers market share.








Core battlefield: the future of the Internet security + browsers, mobile + software store, social network + games. These three areas destined to the blood become river. Senior people in the Internet li3 xue2 ling2 as early as October 2010 was when accepting a reporter to interview said. Now, predictions have in the reality, especially the browser, and already pack up.

If terms from the perspective of market, IE while constantly upgrade, to has upgrade to IE9, running speed is very fast and convenient to read, but both Internet explorer and other browsers, and they both have advantages and disadvantages, such as Internet explorer and firefox to compare though, if a single comparison from the performance, firefox than Internet explorer, but Internet explorer still has great advantages in other areas, over time, I want to still will annex firefox, IE, after all, lean camel is bigger than the horse died, as most sites are based on kernel development, IE use firefox is not well showed. While Internet explorer is still dominant, but I believe that the mainstream of the future will be: security + browser, for example, we saw the market, domestic 360 is over time, IE will carve up the world in 360.

About the future of the browser one thing is for sure: relative to now, 2015, the browser will be in our daily life more and more important role. Epson everyone needs to support the Internet, said: because the Internet has billions of users. And we will have more in the future.





来自CNET资讯中的一篇报道称: Mozilla希望用户通过使用Firefox 3.5来“升级Web应用”,谷歌Chrome、苹果Safari及Opera也有类似的宣传主题。 Web应用的改进就是要把传统的静态网页转变为动态的Web程序,也就是说,未来的浏览器要把今天的电子邮件转变为明天的网页电子表格。 浏览器的前景是光明的,革新者的目光似乎也远远超过了现有水平。 Web开发者不仅需要用普通的Web浏览器完善他们的网站或Web应用程序,而且还要保持与最新技术的支持。 浏览器的未来 未来浏览器的新功能都来源于HTML 5, 但这个下一代超文本标记语言标准还处在开发中。 HTML 5将提供新的元内置素,如

标签: 浏览器科学探究浏览器从历史发展到未来趋势

本文地址: https://yihaiquanyi.com/article/58c55c7a334469341428.html

